I’m not usually one for quick-fixes and magic exercises…lasting results take some time and effort. BUT…

When you get that dreaded neck pain that makes it hard to turn your head, you need help…FAST. And this one delivers.

(Plus, it’s free. Unlike a trip to the chiropractor or massage therapist.)

My students named it “The Genie Magic Neck Stretch,” because it is pretty magical. (And because you have to make genie arms to do it.)

Try it with me now (even if you aren’t in pain – it still feels amazing). Then, you’ll know what to do the next time you wake up with a pain in the neck!

(TIP: I included subtitles with this video. If you’re watching with a sleeping kid in your arms, just hit the [cc] button at the bottom of the video player and read along.)

For other amazing, little-known neck and shoulder exercises, register for FREE access to my 5-Class Neck & Shoulder Bundle here. Three days only!

This article has 9 comments

  1. Sonja Reply

    Oh my goodness! I should have watched this the day you sent it! It’s amazing, thank you so much!

  2. NinaL Reply

    I just had to share this with my sister, mother, and cousins for Mother’s Day. Wonderful!
    Happy Mother’s Day to you, too, Jen. Thanks for what you do.

  3. Jena Reply

    I saw this on Facebook a few weeks ago and honestly I didn’t think much of it. Then yesterday I woke up with a crick in my neck. It hurt so much all day yesterday!!! This morning I remembered this video and thought I’d try it.

    OH MY GOODNESS! This helped me so much! I still have a pinched feeling in my neck, but I can turn my head almost my normal range of motion. Before I did this I could only turn my head a tiny bit to the left.


  4. Tricia Reply

    Wow! My friend posted this in Facebook- and perfect timing because I’ve been in pain all Day! I just tried it and it IS like MAGIC! Thank you!

    • Jen Reply

      Hooray! I’m so sorry you were in pain, but thrilled I could help! Hope you sign up for the free access to my neck & shoulder classes (here’s the link). 🙂

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