You don’t have to be an Olympic Athlete to get a gold medal in self care! If you begin to weave more movement into the fabric of your day, slowly those “small hinges” will swing “big doors.”

This is a meet-you-where you are free challenge! Everyone is welcome!

Event 1: Balance

(If you love this…join me for my FREE No-Time Exercise Solution Class, where I share my four-step system for women who don’t have time to work out! Register here.)

Try these balancing exercises as you prepare meals, brush your teeth, stand at your workstation…anywhere you would normally stand on two feet!

Use your own judgement, and practice only what feels comfortable. Place a hand on a counter or wall for extra support, if needed.

The Exercises for Event 1: 

1. Balance on one foot (without bending your knees): Press the hip of one leg down toward the floor to allow the other leg to lift off the ground. Both legs should be straight and your weight back in the heel of the standing leg. As your lateral hip strength improves, you can practice on a towel or half dome for added challenge.

2. Single leg forward bend: Slowly tip the pelvis forward and allow it to move back behind the line of the ankles. Extend one leg behind you, but don’t lift it too high. Keep the spine in neutral.

3. Single leg standing squat: Lift the tailbone as you sit the pelvis back, keeping your shins vertical. Shift your weight to one foot and lift the other off the ground.

Have fun!

Join mefor aFREE Class!

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