I remember the first time I rode in a car over a cobblestone road. The loud rumbles made as our tires rolled over the bumpy terrain filled my wee soul with giddy glee. My dad talked with excitement about the history of the road. As I looked out the window, I was amazed by its beauty.


I’ve been on a bit of an unplanned blogging break since Little Man’s arrival. I dropped in to tell his birth story and something else I never expected to share on the interwebs. But, my time here  the last six weeks has been so sporadic that I forgot my WordPress password!

Photograph by www.lisajuliaphotography.com*

Friends, this transition, from a mama of one to a mama of two, has been a trip down a cobblestone road.

It has been bumpy. The terrain is alternately exhilarating and exhausting.

It has been loud: a newborn, a three-year-old and a mama who has sadly fallen off the scream-free wagon at times.

I continuously remind myself of the long history of this weathered road. People have second (and third and fourth…) children all the time. We will find our rhythm, just as so many have before us have.

Photograph by www.lisajuliaphotography.com*

Most importantly, I have regularly looked around and been in total awe of the beauty that surrounds me. I can’t believe I get to be the mama of these two.

All of this to say, I’ve been absent here, because I’ve needed to keep both hands on the steering wheel as I’ve made my cobblestone journey.


Wednesday is Every Breath’s one-year blogiversary! What a year it has been. Let’s celebrate all month-long, shall we?

Things are smoothing out around here, so I’m going to carve out time for commemorating this space and thanking all of you who meet me here.

The celebrations begin tomorrow with an awesome giveaway and discount for Every Breath readers from one of my favorite yoga companies!

What is happening in your lives?  How have you experienced the transition of adding a new baby to your family? I’d love to hear!

*These pictures of AE & LM…be still my heart. As I’ve said before, I’m so blessed to have a kindred spirit transform photographs of my children into works of art.

This article has 9 comments

  1. Megan at SortaCrunchy Reply

    Oh, mama! Those pictures – what beauties!

    The cardinal rule of balanced blogging is always LIVE FIRST, blog later. This precious time, this forging of the new path, no matter how bumpy, it’s a sacred time that you’ll never have back. Lean into this space and soak it up. We’ll all be here when the babymoon comes to an end! ♥♥♥

  2. Katherine Willis Pershey Reply

    Beautiful photographs!

    You’ll get your groove back in time. I’ve heard that one to two is as much of a doozy as adding a third or fourth. Our initial transition was surprisingly smooth (MUCH easier than zero to one!!) but now that the baby is a hair-pulling toddler… oh, the screaming. THE SCREAMING.

  3. Anne @ Modern Mrs Darcy Reply

    Such a lovely metaphor, Jennifer. Reminds me of a literal brick road in an old neighborhood in my city. It’s a hilly street, and the old bricks are so beautiful….but I always feel like I’m going to throw up after all those jostling ups and downs! Probably a lot like what it feels like to add a child to the family 🙂

    Those pictures are incredible! Beautiful photos and beautiful babes!

  4. Linda Blacksmith Reply

    Jennifer, we love seeing your beautiful children and hearing about your life. God is so good.

  5. Frances Reply

    Happy Blogiversary. Our actions speak louder than words, so if we don’t see your words in print as often, we are all better for it. You’ll have time for your incredible miracles and we’ll have a deeper appreciation for the words you can share.

  6. Shannon @ GrowingSlower Reply

    Sorry, I’m just getting around to it, but I wanted to be sure to wish you a happy Blogiversary! Congratulations! Thank you for all the insight and inspiration you have shared throughout this year!

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