Real People Do Yoga – A Mom’s Story

Real People Do Yoga – A Mom’s Story

I know getting to the mat isn’t easy. But, it is possible - even in the face of some obstacles! This post is part of a series where real readers share their yoga stories with you. I’m thrilled to welcome Alyssa today. I knew she was a kindred spirit when she walked into my Studio years ago, and I’m so grateful she was willing to share her story with you! By: Alyssa Crowder As a stay-at-home mom of a three year old and a two month old my yoga practice is anything but…Read more
Big Emotions, Little People

Big Emotions, Little People

From the moment I met April, I knew she was a kindred spirit. She has been a regular voice of love and encouragement on my parenting journey, and I’m honored to welcome her to Every Breath I Take as a regular contributor. I’m certain you’ll find her as inspiring as I do! (You can read more about April in the Voices section here.) By: April Campbell I was (and am) completely flattered and honored that Jen asked me to be a regular contributor here at Every Breath I Take. I am a homeschooling…Read more
An Imperfect Yoga Practice in an Imperfect World

An Imperfect Yoga Practice in an Imperfect World

Just before daybreak, my internal alarm clock gently wakes me from a restful slumber. Everyone in my house is still asleep, and I blissfully float down to my home yoga studio and roll out my mat. As my practice begins, the song birds provide the musical accompaniment. Over the hour and a half I spend on the mat, the sunrise provides an increasing light that seems metaphorical for the way my body awakes with every asana... At least that’s how I dream of it all happening. Reality is quite different these days. My…Read more
Grace for the Doubters

Grace for the Doubters

This post is part of a series where I unpack the wise words of a friend and mentor. You can read more about those words here. My dad was a Presbyterian minister and my mom is the most amazing Christian. I can't remember a time when I didn't know about Jesus or His love and sacrifice. Most of my friends growing-up were from church. In my small-town, I rarely encountered people who didn't believe the same things as me. When life got hard during my teen years, my faith never faltered. As I watched…Read more
The Flood Waters of Pain

The Flood Waters of Pain

This post is part of a series where I unpack the wise words of a friend and mentor. You can read more about those words here. I was five years old, and my friend Amber and I were tasting that thrill that comes from being sightly out of control. We had discovered that we could pick up some serious speed when we rode my pink Big Wheel down my inclined driveway. So, with Amber standing on the back, holding onto my shoulders, I started at the top of the driveway and pedaled as fast…Read more