A Break for the Legs

A Break for the Legs

Most asana is active. But there is this deliciously sweet (and way better for you than those holiday goodies) subset of poses called restorative yoga. Instead of doing, these are poses of being. Restorative yoga teaches us how to relax deeply and completely. Judith Lasater, who literally wrote the book on Restorative yoga says, “During deep relaxation, all the organ systems of the body are benefited, and a few of the measurable results of deep relaxation are the reduction of blood pressure, serum triglycerides and blood sugar levels in the blood, the increase…Read more
Inspiring Awareness…Teaching Yoga Breathing to Our Kids

Inspiring Awareness…Teaching Yoga Breathing to Our Kids

One of my parenting principals is to always honor emotions. Emotions are real. They are tangible. And, they don’t go away just because we ignore them. In our house, we acknowledge and process our emotions. We bring awareness to our emotions. When they are enjoyable, we celebrate those sensations. When our emotions are unpleasant, we dig deeper. We often discover that though the emotion itself may be real, it is based upon a lie. We work to uncover those little mysteries on a daily basis. And, we look for tools to help us…Read more

Advent…Presence and Waiting

At any given moment over the last ten years, I've know exactly how far away our next vacation is. We always have a countdown on our refrigerator. Every weekend, after I clean up from our pancake breakfast, I happily erase the old and scribe the new, lower number. Recently, I've started to include AE in the ritual. As we write the number, we travel in our minds eye. We imagine, we daydream, we anticipate. All of which are enjoyable! But, after a few moments, my toddler snaps back to the present and wants…Read more

The Best Gift Ever

Not long ago I was driving through a parking garage I had not been in before. My tension was growing as it appeared that all of the spaces were marked "Reserved." As I rounded one of the corners, I was trying to read the signs above the parking spaces when all of the sudden I looked up and saw another car. In my distraction, I took the turn and was driving on the wrong side of a two way lane. I quickly moved out of his way and nervously offered an apologetic wave…Read more
The Bridge of Support

The Bridge of Support

Most asana is active. But there is this deliciously sweet (and way better for you than those holiday goodies) subset of poses called restorative yoga. Instead of doing, these are poses of being. Restorative yoga teaches us how to relax deeply and completely. Judith Lasater, who literally wrote the book on Restorative yoga says, “During deep relaxation, all the organ systems of the body are benefited, and a few of the measurable results of deep relaxation are the reduction of blood pressure, serum triglycerides and blood sugar levels in the blood, the increase…Read more