Episode 28: The Dynamic Workstation

Episode 28: The Dynamic Workstation

How should you sit at the computer? Whether you do it for work, or for leisure, chances are, you log some hours behind the computer screen each week. In this episode, I’m going to inspire you to approach those hours differently.  We’ll talk about why sitting (or standing) all day is bad, why exercise doesn’t undo those negative effects, and what you can do to get your work done while taking care of your body. If you'd like to learn how to get the movement your body needs, while you work at the…Read more
Episode 27: Easing Worry with Movement

Episode 27: Easing Worry with Movement

Today we're talking worry. We all know stress effects our physical body. But, did you know you can use your body - and how you move it - to process and reduce worry. Plus, I'm answering a question about walking in the summer heat. Show Notes Get the FREE psoas release video here! Do you love The Healthy Moving Podcast? Be sure to subscribe, rate and review over on iTunes.Read more

Episode 26: Make a Mess

Today we are talking about the messy part of change. I’ve got encouragement for anyone who is in the phase where everything you own (or believe) is laid out in a huge mess before you. Plus, I’m answering a listener question about encouraging kids to be walkers. If you're ready to embrace the uncomfortable part of change, and begin to feel amazing in and about your body, check out the Healthy Moving Coaching & Challenge Program!  Do you love The Healthy Moving Podcast? Be sure to subscribe, rate and review over on iTunes.Read more
Episode 25: New Year’s Resolutions in July

Episode 25: New Year’s Resolutions in July

If we start today, we can celebrate change on January 1st, instead of plan for it. Today’s show is all about heading into the New Year with momentum instead of resolve. Plus, I’m answering a listener question about beginning a Healthy Moving practice while pregnant. I would love to help you head into the New Year feeling amazing in AND about your body –check out my coaching and challenge program. We are starting our 6-week summer challenge on June 28th!   Do you love The Healthy Moving Podcast? Be sure to subscribe, rate and…Read more

Episode 24: The Need for Self-Care

If you don't have a good self-care routine, you probably blame it on a lack of time. But, in this episode, I'll tell you what I think the problem really is. Plus, I'm answering a listener question about scoliosis. If your self-care has been lacking, I want to help entice you with your body’s needs. I’m teaching a free mini-class that will help you kick-start your self-care routine this summer. Sign up for one of several LIVE sessions here. And, if you are ready to learn more about your body’s need for movement and…Read more