A sweet childhood friend recently posted the following question on Facebook – “I wonder what the me at age 20 would think of the me at 33?”

Her best guess was that she would be “shocked.” And, I have to agree with her. The younger me would likely ask, “You’re doing what?” about a lot in my life today.

As a fairly goal-oriented individual, I like to make a plan and go about accomplishing it. But, sometimes on that path, I encounter the most enticing alternate route. Other times, the clouds from a storm of monumental proportions clear, and I find myself on a new path.

I believe fulfilling a goal can be very rewarding. I know that faith and belief are important.

But, some of my greatest accomplishments and joys have come not from clinging to my plans and beliefs with a death grip, but instead holding them with an open hand and a willingness to be led.

Raise your hand if you’ve made statements like this – “If you had told me 3 years ago, I’d be doing ‘X’, I would have said you were crazy!” Good for those of you with your hands up! What are you holding with a death grip today that you may need to release?

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