A few weeks ago, I accidentally put the key to my husband’s car in the ignition of my car. I realized it quickly, switched keys and was on my way. Later that day, it happened again.

That’s weird, I thought – I’ve never done this before, and I did it twice today. Then I did it again the next day, and the day after that. On the fourth day, I was so annoyed. I took the key off my key ring and moved on.

But, each time I saw that key on the hook, I wondered if I was losing my mind. Then, I remembered something about the brain that probably explains my key mistake.

Neuroscientists acknowledge a tendency of the brain called neuroplasticity. With every thought we have, every word we speak, every action we take, neurons forge connections with one another. And the more a thought, word or behavior is repeated, the stronger those neural links become. Quite literally, neurons that fire together, wire together.

Clearly, this neuroplasticity can work to my benefit or my determent. It is either a promise or a curse.

If I move throughout my life without purpose or direction, I’m more likely to program my brain with some bad “code.” However, if I’m intentional about my thoughts, my words and my actions, I have a better chance of noticing and eliminating any “bugs” in my brain’s programming.

This week, I’m paying close attention. I’m watching, noticing and observing what I think, say and do. Because, the more I think, say or do something, the more likely I am to think, say or do it again.

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