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I have a confession to make. A mere 11 months ago, I had not read one single blog. Well, I think I had stumbled upon some websites that were blogs, but I did not recognize them as such. Nor did I have any idea what an RSS feed was. (I know, feel free to mock me in the comments.)

Several people who read my weekly email magazine started encouraging me to put my writing on a blog. But, I didn’t even know how to get to the blogosphere (heck, I didn’t even know it was called that then) much less write in it.

One sweet, dear friend, kindly wrote out detailed instructions to help me get started. She told me about Google reader and how to add a subscription to a blog. She shared her favorite app for reading from her phone. And, she recommended a couple blogs she thought I would enjoy.

Her instructions came with a passionate proclamation – “Blogs are going to CHANGE YOUR WORLD, Jennifer!” Stephanie S, you could not have been more right, and I’m forever grateful that you took the time to indoctrinate me.

As Stephanie predicted, my world was rocked. The blogosphere began to inform everything from what we ate for dinner to how I interacted with my daughter. It provided craft ideas and workout regimens. It inspired my faith and challenged some of my long-held beliefs.

Some blog posts evoked tears (and even sobs on a few occasions). Others made me laugh out loud. A few made me so angry the powers of my Otterbox phone case were tested as my phone flew across the room.

My favorite bloggers became role models, and not because of their writing proficiency (though that abounds). Instead, I respect them for the way they think. Their life choices are admirable. They are doing work that is changing our world for the better.

Sometimes they are doing it directly – issuing challenges, calling us to action, proclaiming truth. But, in the case of one of my favorite blogging couples, they are teaching us all about life, love and the pursuit of happiness, while they talk all things DIY (yes, as in do-it-yourself home improvement and décor projects).

I know, you might be saying, “Jen, I love $herdog and Captain Safety just as much as their other legions of fans, but how is Young House Love changing our world for the better?” Well, have no fear, I’m gonna lay it all out for you in a series called “Why I Love Young House Love.”

In true Petersik fashion, I need to give you the breakdown for this little project:

Does anyone else think I should superimpose John & Sherry’s faces onto Hanz & Franz in the above picture for the series photo?!?! Who else loves Young House Love? Let’s hear it for the Petersiks!

This article has 3 comments

  1. Wendy Reply

    What a great idea! I’m looking forward to reading those posts.
    I’ve been following YHL for a couple of years now, I love reading their fun posts and even though we don’t have the same aesthetics I get inspired by a lot of their DIY projects.

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