Simple 3-Step Practice for Overwhelm
I recently asked how you want to feel over the Holiday Season, and the most popular response was "less overwhelmed" or "more grounded."
So, today I'm bringing you a simple (it will take less than five minutes) practice you can do to decrease stress and overwhelm.
And, it also helps ease neck and shoulder tension, support immune health, and increase clarity!
Try it today and let me know how it goes!
If you would like me to be your personal trainer and give you practical and powerful exercises like this every day through the end of the year, don't miss this...
The No-Time Self-Care 6-Week Challenge is packed with 5-minute daily self-care practices.
Register here TODAY and you also get a BONUS full membership in my Coaching & Challenge Program through December 31, 2020!
Registration for this program closes completely on November 23rd!
What current members say about the program: