Video: The Genie Magic Neck Stretch

Video: The Genie Magic Neck Stretch

I’m not usually one for quick-fixes and magic exercises...lasting results take some time and effort. BUT… When you get that dreaded neck pain that makes it hard to turn your head, you need help...FAST. And this one delivers. (Plus, it’s free. Unlike a trip to the chiropractor or massage therapist.) My students named it “The Genie Magic Neck Stretch,” because it is pretty magical. (And because you have to make genie arms to do it.) Try it with me now (even if you aren’t in pain - it still feels amazing). Then, you’ll…Read more
Discover Why Happiness Comes From Solving Problems (And Three Simple Steps to Make it Happen)

Discover Why Happiness Comes From Solving Problems (And Three Simple Steps to Make it Happen)

“Happiness comes from solving problems.” - Mark Manson So often we think problems keep us from being happy. But, what if they are essential for happiness? Pause for a moment and think about one of your happiest memories. Now look at the road to that moment. What is it paved with? Problems. Challenges. Obstacles. Happiness comes from solving problems. The joy is in the overcoming. You don’t need fewer problems. You need more solutions. And, that's why you need to carefully manage your stress level. Negative stress (or distress) causes you to feel anxious…Read more
3 Biggest Myths About Bunions – BUSTED!

3 Biggest Myths About Bunions – BUSTED!

I am so excited to welcome contributor, Carol Robbins. Carol is a friend, mentor, fellow Restorative Exercise Specialist and all-around awesome human being. Some people call her the Bunion Whisperer! She is also the instructor of the brand new Healthy Moving Workshop Series Course on Bunions.  Let’s talk about Hallux Abducto Valgus (HAV) which you might know by its more commonly known effect: Bunions! Many people have them, but few understand them. Here are three common bunion myths - busted! Myth #1: Bunions are genetic. A lot of people find it hard to believe that bunions are…Read more
Stress & the Body: 3 Facts to Help You Feel Better

Stress & the Body: 3 Facts to Help You Feel Better

“I’m stressed about my stress.” My client’s nervous laughter as she said those words transitioned to tears as she explained that she was well aware of the negative ways stress impacts the body. Headaches, insomnia, heartburn, muscle tension, decreased immunity, cardiovascular disease...the list goes on and on. “But, my mind AND my body are trapped in this cycle, Jen. I don’t know how to get out.” While I think it’s important to understand the toll stress takes on the body, sometimes that information makes us feel worse. It magnifies our stress, and fails…Read more
6 Reasons Strong is Better Than Toned

6 Reasons Strong is Better Than Toned

Many women come to me looking for exercises to help them get “toned.” They want to see “more definition and less jiggle.” When clients point to their arms, bellies or hips and plead for my help in toning them up, I know we have to back up a few steps. Why do you want this muscle tone? What are you focusing on? What are you saying to yourself about your appearance right now? Your “why” matters. You need a solid why to create lasting change. Are you you trying to change your body…Read more