Hello My Name is…Worrywart

Hello My Name is…Worrywart

When I was in kindergarten, my mom received a call from a panicked school official. "Jennifer told us that her father died last night!?" While I have no memory of this incident, my mom tells me that the night before she and my dad received terrible news. One of their friends had died suddenly, leaving behind a wife and children. I must have been listening in on their conversations and picked up on their sadness. My compassionate mom thinks I told the lie to explain the profound heartache I really was feeling. At…Read more
Watch Where You’re Going!

Watch Where You’re Going!

My husband is the proud owner of a 1967 Chevrolet Camaro. It lives inside a garage and only sees the light of day when the environmental conditions are perfect. It doesn't come out in rain or snow, or even on days when there are threats of such things. The roads must be free of sand and salt. Oh, and its owner must have an empty spot on the calendar to accommodate a cruise. Several years ago, on a day perfect for cruising, my husband and I hopped in the Camaro for a drive…Read more
Reaching for the Toes

Reaching for the Toes

We are programmed from a very early age to “reach for the toes” when we bend forward to stretch. So, when we come to the mat and practice “Uttanasana” (standing forward bend), most of us focus in on our toes. It's as though we think something wonderful will happen if we can reach those toes. The problem with this toe-reaching obsession is that we aren't focused on the real point of Uttanasana - to lengthen the back body, including the hamstrings. And, for most of us, touching the toes requires us to abandon healthy alignment and…Read more
A Mother’s Prayer

A Mother’s Prayer

Later this week in Faith, I’ll be writing about not letting my fears define me. One of the ways I do that is to pray with intention. So, I thought I'd start the week by sharing my prayer for my daughter this morning. Dear Father, Please envelop her in your Love. Show me minute-by-minute how to be an example of that Love, so that she might see its Source and give it freely to everyone she meets. Please let her see the ocean of Grace that she swims in. May it endlessly drip…Read more
{this moment}

{this moment}

{this moment} - A Friday ritual, inspired by Soule Mama. A single photo - no words - capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember. If you're inspired to do the same, leave a link to your 'moment' in the comments for all to find and see.Read more