Call of the Snake Charmer

Call of the Snake Charmer

Bhujangasana (cobra pose) is the perfect antidote for sitting at the computer all day. Excessive sitting can atrophy the muscles that hold posture. This often results in shoulders that round forward and a spine that looks more like a “C” than a healthy, soft “S.” Cobra pose strengthens the muscles that hold healthy posture, helping to undo the many hours spent at the computer. There are three primary things to consider when practicing this pose. First, there is a common misconception that the tailbone should be tucked in those pose. This inhibits the…Read more
The Blessing of a Bear Encounter

The Blessing of a Bear Encounter

This post is part of the Attachment Parenting Month blog carnival, hosted by Attachment Parenting International. Learn more by visiting API Speaks, the blog of Attachment Parenting International. The car seat has never qualified as a “happy place” for my daughter. At two years old, she has no problem letting me know that she isn't interested in riding in it. She often slides out before I can even fasten her in. And a [fun-for-her] game of chase ensues inside the car. We've tried everything from letting her play inside the car first to giving…Read more
{this moment}

{this moment}

{this moment} - A Friday ritual, inspired by Soule Mama. A single photo - no words - capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember. If you're inspired to do the same, leave a link to your 'moment' in the comments for all to find and see.Read more

Hello My Name Is… Series Links

I know, I’m supposed to find my identity in Christ. But, what does that look like on a day-to-day basis? I really struggle with this. I define myself by my performance, my successes & failures, my fears, my opinions, my likes, my relationships  – the list goes on, but they all start with “my.” I want to find my identity in Love (with a big “L”). But how? I've been praying on this topic for a few weeks and sharing my insights here. My Identity Crisis (Series Introduction) Hello My Name Is…Straight A…Read more
My Identity Crisis

My Identity Crisis

I like to fall asleep with the television on. When I’m ready to go to sleep, I put on an old episode of Friends, set the sleep timer and close my eyes. Every. Single. Night. I’m so committed to this practice, that I get annoyed with my husband when he asks me to turn it down or shut it off – even if I've got my eyes closed, and I’m almost asleep. (Bless that man for loving me in spite of this habit.) The other day, I was on the yoga mat, preparing…Read more