I Am Better Than No One

I Am Better Than No One

Some days I really struggle with the virtual community of the Internet. I love the access I have to thought provoking content via online news sources, blogs, email groups, Facebook, Twitter and the like. But, sometimes, the nature of comments and replies made to said content really bothers me. The Not-So-Great Debate When a news article or opinion post generates debate (and it seems almost everything is debatable these days), it is inevitable that the replies and comments evolve into a nasty game of who can issue the most clever insult upon those…Read more
Chaturanga – Love It or Hate It?

Chaturanga – Love It or Hate It?

Chaturanga Dandasana (four-limbed staff pose) seems to be the one of the most popular poses in the yoga world. There are so many Chaturanga workshops and articles out there. So, why do I need to add my two cents to the discussion? Well, I have some loving advice for those of you who adore this pose and some tips for those of you who hate it. For those of you who love it... Beware - an unhealthy obsession with Chaturanga can, at best, impair a well-rounded practice, or at worst, result in injury. So, answer…Read more
Chaturanga Hugasana

Chaturanga Hugasana

I'm a hugger. I love hugs, always have. But I've recently discovered a new kind of hug that has every other kind of hug beat. If I were to give it a Sanskrit name, like a yoga pose, I suppose it would be called the Chaturanga Hugasana ("four limbed hug pose"). Do not confuse this with the very different Chaturanga Dandasana. Chaturanga Hugasana is most often practiced by the very young, though if the hug-ee is of strong body, it certainly will go a long way to keep the hug-or young at heart. …Read more
{this moment}

{this moment}

{this moment} - A Friday ritual, inspired by Soule Mama. A single photo - no words - capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember. If you're inspired to do the same, leave a link to your 'moment' in the comments for all to find and see.Read more

“You’re Doing What?” Series Links

"You're Doing What?" I’ve been asked this question quite a few times after sharing something about our parenting choices. Derek and I admit, we have made parenting choices that are different from those of our family and friends, from most of society for that matter, but we are at peace. We are confident. I’m hopeful that this series will inspire confidence in the face of your own “You’re Doing What?” questions. You’re Doing What? The Introduction You’re Doing What? The Cosleeping Edition You’re Doing What? The Child-Led Weaning Edition You’re Doing What? The…Read more