A Map Home

A Map Home

After I realized that everyone is needy, I started to see things around me at the need level. A Vicious Cycle Around this time, I was taking over the instruction of several yoga classes for a teacher who was moving away. It was a great opportunity, but I was wrought with worry and anxiety. I spent a lot of time whining to Derek that the the students didn't like me as much as their old teacher. I had myself so worked up that I started to think I wasn't cut out for this…Read more
Waking Up From The American Dream

Waking Up From The American Dream

This post is longer than most. It is a story of acting from intention, even when it breaks your heart. It needs to be told in full. Strange Romance Young love is full of so much excitement and anticipation. My husband and I were no different. Since we worked together, we kept our relationship a secret. Our early anticipation was simply for time we could actually act as a couple.  But, as our relationship grew and we began to see it had a future, we started dreaming of a life together. I’m certain we discussed getting a house, a…Read more
Slowing Down the Dog

Slowing Down the Dog

If you have time for only one yoga pose a day, practice Savasana. But, if you can squeeze one more in, you’ll get the biggest bang for your buck with Adho Mukha Svanasana (downward facing dog pose). Most people can benefit from the wonderful effects of this pose. Whether you need a lengthener for the hamstrings, a release for the back, strengthening for the core or a change in perspective, this pose offers something for everyone. The biggest modification most of us need in Adho Mukha Svanasana (“AMS”) is simply to slow down the process of…Read more

Back to Basics Series Links

I practice and teach alignment-based yoga. In the Back to Basics series, I’m sharing the key points of alignment for the most commonly practiced yoga poses. Poses of the Traditional Surya Namaskar (sun salutation): I prefer to begin and end my sun salutes in downward facing dog. Then, I flow through them in the order below. I like to move very slowly and linger in each pose for several breaths. I complete an even number, so as to practice the lunge equally on both legs. You can also add a child's pose at the end…Read more
The Strategy of Discipline

The Strategy of Discipline

My approach to discipline can be summed up in two sentences. Children (actually everyone) are in an unending pursuit of the satisfaction of their deepest needs. As a parent, I'm interested in influencing the strategies employed in that pursuit. That may be only two sentences, but man, is that a BIG job! It's far from easy. It's slow work that requires patience and focus. It’s a job that requires me to quiet many of the voices that sound-off in my head about what discipline or age appropriate behavior should look like. It’s work…Read more